Mosman LNS Legal Service

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Thomas McLoughlin, as principal of Mosman Legal Service provides affordable, good quality legal services.

- Has 10 years post qualification experience as a member of the NSW Law Society;

- Legal Aid NSW panel member in criminal, domestic violence and mental health matters

- PEXA registered for conveyancing, and registered for State Revenue / stamp duty lodgements (NSW, Victoria)

- Instructing solicitor in High Court of Australia winning decision 5-0 in 2015

- 4 years experience as an elected councillor at Waverley Council managing finance, planning, environment, safety;

- 15 years experience in the non government sector influencing government policy and media

- Admitted to roll of solicitors in 1990


Rates are:

Initial consultation free (about 1 hour)

$200 per hour flat rate for most matters, subject to variation by agreement for more complex matters.


Mosman LNS is registered for PEXA and State Revenue duties lodgement

Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation

navigation of legal issues in fair - and stormy - weather


Telephone: 0410 558838
ABN: 50 634 794 495
Address: 6/12 Muston St Mosman NSW 2088 Australia