Mosman LNS Legal Service |
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- Has 10 years post qualification experience as a member of the NSW Law Society;
- Legal Aid NSW panel member in criminal, domestic violence and mental health matters - PEXA registered for conveyancing,
and registered for State Revenue / stamp duty lodgements (NSW, Victoria) - Instructing solicitor in High Court of Australia
winning decision 5-0 in 2015
- 4 years experience as an elected councillor at Waverley Council managing finance, planning, environment, safety;
- 15 years experience in the non government sector influencing government policy and media -
Admitted to roll of solicitors in 1990
Rates are: Initial consultation free (about 1 hour) $200 per hour flat rate for most matters, subject to variation by agreement for more complex matters.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
Telephone: 0410 558838